This section describes how to manage Virtalis Reach user details, creating user groups and add selected users to the groups.
Virtalis Reach uses Keycloak for Identity and Access Management (IAM).
This section assumes Keycloak has been installed on your system and that you have administration access rights.
Accessing the Keycloak Admin Panel
Navigate to https://SITE/auth/admin/ replacing 'SITE' with the domain Virtalis Reach is hosted on.
Enter the Keycloak administrator credentials that were extracted during the Virtalis Reach deployment.

Ensure that the currently selected realm in the top left corner is Reach. If not, select it from the drop-down menu.

Managing Users
Go to Manage > Users and use this page to:
- View all users currently in the system
- Add users to the system
- Edit the details of a user
- Add users to groups
Please note: AAD users must log in at least once to become visible in the system.
Adding a User
To add a user:
- Click Add user.
- Enter the user details.
- Click Save.

Setting User Credentials
To set the user credentials:
- Click the Credentials tab and set a password for the user.
- Set Temporary to OFF if you do not want the user to have to enter a new password when they first log in.
- Click Set Password.

Adding Users to Groups
To edit the groups a user is in:
- Select the user you wish to edit.
- Click the Groups tab.
- Select a single group from the list that you wish to add/remove the user to/from.
- Click Join.

You will see the groups that the user belongs to on the left-hand side of the page and the available groups that the user can be added to on the right-hand side.
Managing Groups
Go to Manage > Groups and use this page to:
- View all the groups currently in the system
- Create new groups for the purpose of access control on certain assets, projects, or visualisations
Virtalis Reach Specific Groups
Virtalis Reach has three main system groups:
- data-uploaders - access to /import/, controls who can import assets into the system
- project-authors - access to /hub, controls who can create and publish projects
- reach_script_publishers - controls whether a user can enable scripts for their project

Creating a New Group
To create a new group:
- Click New to create a new group.
- Enter a name for the group.
- Click Save.
You will now be able to edit users individually in the system and assign them to the new group.